Posted by BrainChildRalph on December 6, 2018, modified on December 7, 2018
文件:MCU 資訊:
目前網上資訊似乎為:STMicroelectronics(意法半導體)- STM32L0
USB to UART Bridge - CP2105
CP2105 Driver
Baud Rate
- Connect the SIMCOM-TE to the 2x60pins connector on EVB, plug in 5V DC adapter, switch S201 to “ON”state; keep S401 to “ON” position.
- Press the POWER_ON button for more than 1.5 second and then release, SIMCOM module power on.After the module is on, the LED light D402 will be bright ,and the LED light D401will blink at a certain frequency. Through the state of LED, you can judge registering status of the module. For detailed description, please refer to SIMCOM HD document.
技術文檔下載AT Commands
Conventions and Abbreviations(慣例與縮寫)GSM:
- ME (Mobile Equipment)
- MS (Mobile Station)
- TA (Terminal Adapter)
- DCE (Data Communication Equipment) or facsimile DCE (FAX modem, FAX board)
Controlling Device:
- TE (Terminal Equipment)
- DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) or plainly “the application” which is running on an embedded system
SIM7000 Power-on Sequence
SIM7000 PIN Overview
Botletics Shield Design
UART Level Shift
Ardunio software serial is 5V, so it needs level shift, ex: tx0104 to level down to 1.8v.
Colleagues’ suggestion: use two MOSFET to do left shifting.
Signal Detection by Arduino Serial Plotter
SIM7000E GPIO 4 Testing
Test Point Area D PIN 1 is referred to SIM7000E GPIO4.
AT command to trigger GPIO High/Low.
# Pull High
# Pull Low
Model Name: